Rafaelian Psychiatry LLC

Let us help you free your mind

Johns Hopkins-trained Florida-based telepsychiatrist.

Do you worry about the little things? Everything seems just too much? Do you have panic attacks? You might be suffering from anxiety. Or, maybe a doctor prescribed you Xanax without an explanation about its side effects, but now you don't feel like yourself anymore? Whatever you're suffering from, we can help. Dr. Rafaelian is a strong believer in Cognitive Behavioral therapy. She does NOT initiate new prescriptions for Xanax or similar medications as initial treatment for anxiety. She would provide you with a taper (scheduled decrease of dose with goal to stop) to help you get off benzodiazepine medications.

Pandemic stress? Work stress? Multi-tasking and "adulting" stress? Relationship stress? We can help but medications are not always the answer. They can, though, make it easier on you to get through tough times.

Mood disorders, such as Major Depression and Bipolar disorder are extremely common and very treatable conditions. They constitute the majority of the conditions treated by our practice. "

Dr. Rafaelian has a special place in her heart for patients with psychotic illnesses such as Schizophrenia and Delusional Disorder. Although she believes that a comprehensive wrap-around treatment involving professionals from several disciplines and case management is best and often necessary, she welcomes patients with schizophrenia into her practice for management of complicated medication regimens or for a second opinion. It is recommended that you have a family member with you at the initial appointment.

If you have problems with relationships, frequent mood swings, and and irritability, unstable sense of self, substance abuse or eating disorders, you might be suffering from a personality disorder. A combination of medications and therapy could help you improve your quality of life and relationships.

Fequently Asked Qestions

What is Tele-medicine?
Tele-medicine is a way for us to help you from the comfort of your own home. We use HIPAA compliant platforms like Zoom to ensure you and your information are safe and secure.
Do you prescribe medications like Xanax, Ativan, Klonopin, Valium (benzodiazepines), Ritalin, Vyvanse and Adderall (stimulants)?
Dr. Rafaelian does NOT start patients on controlled substances unless the initial evaluation shows that benefits of these medications outweigh its risks. She does not continue prescriptions from other doctors for the above medications, which can be addicting, but would help you taper off benzodiazepines. If you have a history of treatment for ADHD, childhood history of ADHD (records needed), or an evaluation from a psychologist supporting the diagnosis of ADHD, a conservative stimulant treatment might be considered.
Do you prescribe Suboxone?
Dr. Rafaelian would consider, on case-by-case basis, initiating Suboxone therapy for treatment of Opioid Use Disorder. You would need to see a pain specialist if you are using Suboxone for treatment of chronic pain.
What about therapy?
Dr. Rafaelian believes that the best treatment outcome are achieved when therapy and medications are combined. Psychotherapy can provide lasting results and improve outcomes while improving the quality of life significantly. She also believes that therapy should be time-limited and have specific goals. If you are interest in medication-management only, Dr. Rafaelian would gladly see you for shorter appointments, however, would also recommend that you see a therapist in addition to taking the psychiatric medications.